Added set creature value command.Īccount set addon 3 Syntax. Added buttons for Soul Catalyst and other items. Xijezu's Rappelz GM-Tool is the most used GM-Tool for Rappelz private servers. Change active until in game phase changed, or GM-mode enable/disable.
List of GM Commands for Mangos WoW Emulator, extracted from the database directly. Account password 0 Syntax.account password $old_password $new_password $new_password Change your account password. Account onlinelist 4 Syntax.account onlinelist Show list of online accounts. Account lock 0 Syntax.account lock Allow login from account only from current used IP or remove this requirement.
Account delete 4 Syntax.account delete $account Delete account with all characters. List of GM Commands for Trinity Core WoW Emulator, extracted directly from the database Page last update: 2 January 2013 name security help account create 4 Syntax.account create $account $password Create account and set password to it.